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Creating Tomorrow: See into the future

As I wander down from my home office, AKA the corner of my bedroom, each evening, my husband looks up from his home office, AKA the dining table, and asks: “What’s happening?” Three weeks into the UK’s second lockdown, the truth is I am short on updates. I had a good meeting with my marketing team? The kitten ate my pen top? It got dark a little bit earlier than yesterday?!

In an effort to salvage our over-dinner chat, I have requested he changes his early evening question to: “What’s next?” On that front, I have a lot more to talk about – it’s practically written into my job description that I have a pretty good view on the future. So what does come next? News about vaccine breakthroughs are making headlines, meaning 2021 looks more hopeful, but the forecasters at WGSN are looking ahead of that, not just to the next 12 months, but the years after.

This decade may have started in the strangest way possible, but we are confident that the resilience we have all learnt this year will mean by 2023, both consumers and the companies they work for and buy from will be opening up to new strategies, policies and priorities.

Our annual Future Drivers report has just gone live and don’t tell anyone, but as someone running a large global company, I’m as interested in the insights it includes in terms of what it means for me as a boss, as I am in what it means for those of you running your own companies.

2023 is all about the four Cs: connection, conservation, communication and community. These aren’t new topics, but in an age of uncertainty, they will be more important and more relevant than ever.

You can gen up on why, as well as learn about the seven global drivers that will reshape the macroeconomic and business landscape in 2023, and discover key strategies that businesses can action today for future success – all in the report below.

Take it from my husband, there’s plenty to talk about once you’ve read it.

Managing Director, WGSN

You can follow Carla on InstagramTwitter and LinkedIn.

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